Kathmandu, Oct 20 Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has been positive to give holiday on kija puja (bhaitika) of Newari community on October 30. The government had earlier announced Tihar holiday from October 27 to 29 with the recommendation of Nepal Calendar Determination Committee. A delegation comprising federal lawmaker Krishna Gopal Shrestha and State 3 lawmakers Dr Ajay Kranti Shakya and Rajesh Shakya, among others met with PM Oli and requested for the holiday on kija puja on October 30. After the request, PM Oli said he was positive to their request, according to lawmaker Shakya. Shakya further said if the recommendation of the Committee was followed, time for the mha puja was morning, which contradicts the time-honoured tradition of celebrating mha puja in the evening by the Newari community. As per the Newari calendar, their New Year, Nepal Sambat 1140 is marked on Kartik 12 (October 29) this time.