Bhimduttanagar, Sept 6,, The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has concluded that the preliminary investigation procedure of Nepal police into the incident of rape and murder of 13-year-old Nirmala Pant of Khoti in Bhimdutta municipality-2 was full of mistakes.
Speaking at a press conference organised here today, NHRC Spokesperson Mohana Ansari said the police administration was found to have not followed due process in the investigation. ‘There was lack of seriousness on part of the responsible officers, and collection of evidence of the incident seems to be wrong,’ she said.
The NHRC continues to investigate the incident, while holding discussion with the high-level investigation team formed by the government to probe the case. It may be noted that along with the high-level team, the District Police Office, Kanchanpur and the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police are also investigating the case. Nirmala was found murdered after rape at a sugarcane field on July 26.