Phidim, Sept 23 The power generated from Panchthar district-based Iwakhola Hydroelectricity Project has been connected to the national grid. The project with the capacity of generating maximum 9.9 megawatts was linked up with the national grid this week through the 132-KV Kabeli Corridor. According to project promoter company Rairang Hydro Power Ltd’s manager Kubermani Nepali, the project was connected to national grid following test transmission for around a month. He said the production began with one megawatt will be increased gradually as per its technical capacity. During winter, there will be only three megawatt production from the project based in the Kabeli River located on the border of Panchthar and Taplejung districts. An 8.5 kilometer transmission line has been built to connect it to the national grid. Its construction had begun in 2070 BS following the Power Purchase Agreement with Nepal Electricity Authority. But it was intentionally delayed as the construction of Kabeli Corridor would not complete on time. It cost Rs 1.60 billion to complete the project.
Iwakhola Project connected to national grid