Kathmandu, Nov 6 The Lalitpur metropolis has said that three people arrested few days ago for polluting the environment through the burning of animal body parts in an unsafe way near the Nakkhu River at Lalitpur metropolis-14 would face action. According to metropolis chief administrative officer Prem Prasad Bhattarai, the three were caught red-handed following the complaint from locals. The arrested are Indian nationals Fesal Muslim, Sajit Muslim and a Nepali, Rajesh Sherpa. They will face action as per the Metropolitan Police Act and animals’ hide and bones confiscated from them will be disposed of safely. This is the first case of its nature the metropolis is dealing with, according to him. Metropolitan Police Circle Satdobato’s Deputy Superintendent Gautam Mishra said the three were handed to the Lalitpur metropolis on Tuesday as police found no legal ground to file a case against them. This type of offence is dealt by the metropolis authorities. The three were found involved in collecting animal parts from several locations and destroying them by burning on the river bank.